* One Experienced Senior Operation Supervisor To Cover All The Normal Working Day
From Monday - Friday, 8:30am To 17:30pm, Every Week, Except For Holiday.
* Eight experience (24/7) technician to cover 12-hour day shift from 7:00am to 7:00pm, Team A,B Sunday to Wednesday/Thursday,
Team C & D Wednesday / Thursday to Saturday and another 2 helper throughout the week.
* Emergency support will be provided for on-call/site during night from client’s duty technician.
Our response time will be maximum 1-hour on-call and 2-hour on-site. Besides the daily operation support, our strong local service team will be
standby full-time for any required plant trouble shooting and emergency support, including mechanical, electrical and control specialist.
PEG will ensure one to one replacement if any of the team member is absent.